Est. 2015
Electric Bicycles
Sales Service
Bike Repairs &
Refurbished Bicycles
OPEN Monday to Saturday
from 11:am - 4:pm
(250) 247-7535
(778) 762-4486
375 Armson Rd.
Gabriola B.C. V0R 1X1
ride @ cyqle.ca
it's worth
the ride
to Gabriola

E-Bikes Are :
- A contributing solution to today’s
Global Environmental Situation
- Next-Gen Transportation
( this is not just a bicycle anymore )
- Carbon Neutral
( e-bikes don’t idle while stopped )
- Cardio Positive
( people ride further & more often )
- Non Polluting
( e-bikes don't burn gas )
- Easily Stolen
( bike racks need video surveilance )
- More vulnerable in traffic
we need Dedicated Bicycle Corridors
( because, bike lanes kill people )
Regional / Municipal Incentives
- Secure Bike Lockup / Charging
- Dedicated, Groomed Trails
Provincial / Federal Sales Tax Exemptions
- BC-ScrapIt Program
- Support Local Sales – Screw Amazon
E-Bikes Are all about Freedom